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Physics Engine - Sequential Impulses, Dynamic AABB tree

Physics Engine - Sequential Impulses, Dynamic AABB tree

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Custom Physics Engine

Custom physics engine using OpenGL and C++

- Dynamic AABB tree 

- Separating Axis Theorem (SAT)

- Sequential Impulses


HoneyDoom is a single-player action game that a player moves across rooms fighting enemy, avoiding obstacles, and collecting items.

- Custom physics engine using C++

- Ocean wave animation for lava

- Camera system using ray casting

- Gameplay development including combat mechanics and basic enemy behavior



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[Simulation] Soft-body physics & PBR

[Simulation] Soft-body physics & PBR

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Soft-body physics

This is a soft-body simulation with PBR.

I worked on physics part.

- cloth simulation (2D plane soft-body)

- sphere soft-body (3D object)

- collision detection and responses

[Unity] 2.5D Shooting Game

This is a 2.5D shooting game using Unity.

I worked as a gameplay programmer.

- weapon and bullet system

- pistol, machine gun, laser gun, missile

- jump platform

- background music and sound effect

[Unity] Welcome to the future (2.5D shooting game)

[Unity] Welcome to the future (2.5D shooting game)

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[Simulation] Random Walk & Loop Erased Random Walk

[Simulation] Random Walk & Loop Erased Random Walk

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Random Walk Simulation

This is a random walk simulation.

It's my solo work.

- random walk and loop erased         random walk simulation.

- numerical analysis for each random   walks.

Path finding and Hide&Seek

- A* path finding 

- chebyshev, manhattan, euclidean, octile.

- visibility and openness of map.

- hide and seek using propagation and   visible to agent function.

[Game AI] Path finding (A*)

[Game AI] Path finding (A*)

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[Graphics]  Hierarchy,Trees, GJK algorithm

[Graphics] Hierarchy,Trees, GJK algorithm

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[Graphics] Hierarchy, Trees and GJK

- top-down and bottom-up hierarchy with AABB and centroid sphere.

- BSP tree and Octree

- GJK algorithm

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